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When fitted with corrugated side wall/bordoflex Big Bear and Aeon-50 has significantly increase carrying capacity. It can be filled to the edge of the belt, takes only 50mm of the belts width on each edge whilst giving it both stability up to 80mm high and flexibility to go around any drum smaller than 2.5 times the height of the material.

Bordoflex is ideal for use in combination with cleats giving you increased and secure carrying capacity.

Bordoflex can be fitted to a large range of our stock products or can be supplied in PU complete with a foot for easy adhesion to any PVC or PU surface using a suitable contact adhesive.

Height (mm)Foot WidthThicknessColour
40 mm35 mm2.5 / 3 mmBlue / Ivory
50 mm50 mm2.5 / 3 mmBlue / Ivory
60 mm50 mm2.5 / 3 mmBlue / Ivory
70 mm50 mm2.5 / 3 mmBlue / Ivory
80 mm50 mm2.5 / 3 mmBlue / Ivory







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